Monday, July 4, 2011

Camping and more

This weekend we went to PA to see Kurt's parents (his dad just had a small surgery, but is doing well) and his sister invited us to come out to their campsite and spend a few days camping with them. It was my first time camping since college, and I now I'm realizing what an amateur I was. The campsite is really nice and had everything you could ask for. The adults spent most the day making breaks in the crick (not creek) so that the current would be slow enough for the kids to play in and they dammed it at one end to make it a little deeper for fishing. There was a field for the kids to play sports, places for all the tents, a nice camping kitchen, a big firepit, a screen for projecting movies at night, and even a camping toilet! The site was about 10 minutes from Kurt's parents so I even got to go back and take a shower and have a small break from constantly watching Jon (to make sure he didn't hit his head on the rocks around the crick or get hit in the head with a baseball from the older kids). There were a few kids his size though and it was really funny watching them run in circles thinking it was a game. Micaela did her job well as the oldest cousin making sure everyone played nicely, playing "older sister" to her little girl cousin, and helping out with whatever was needed. The week prior to this she had been out at the cabin with her Aunt who had showed her the ropes of camping, making her bait her own hooks and release her own fish, so she was well prepared :) I didn't think to take a camera so this is what I was able to take with Kurt's phone before it died. I have a video but blogger is giving me problems so I'll have to post it later.

The other pictures are older ones that I found on Kurt's phone from various other spring/summer outings including the half-marathon in VA Beach in March and our trip to DC with the Covaney's in April.

P.S. Am I the only one to just now realize you can upload more than one picture at a time?? That is one of the big reasons why I don't blog very often, how long has that been an option... geez.

Happy 11th Birthday Micaela!!

The metro (aka choo choo train) was really cool

Micaela and her best friend from Williamsburg, Jocelyn

This was, by-far, the best exhibit in the Air and Space Museum. The helicopter would fly away and then come back around (on a video loop). Jon must have watched for 10 minutes :)

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