Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Why I Love Summer

Wait, what do you mean it's not summer?


I know 70 degrees is a California winter temperature, but out here it is a welcome change! 

I was sweating at work today because the government is silly and won't change our building from 'heat' to 'air conditioning' until 15 April no matter what mother-nature is doing.   Then I got home and changed into a pair of shorts for the first time since early last fall.  It was lovely.

 Here's what Jon and Micaela were doing:

The tractor is on loan from our neighbors who haven't used it in a while (score!). 

And here's what Kurt was doing:

Um... well... that's supposed to be a picture of Kurt cooking.  But it looks more like a picture of Kurt eating cheese balls.  Oh well.

Not too much else going on here.  Kurt will be running his first marathon not this weekend, but next weekend, and then I'll be doing my first Duathlon a few weeks later (both in VA).   In the mean time Kurt will be training and I will be working and making powerpoint slides, sending emails, preparing brieifings and doing all the other fun things Army Staff Officers do.

Oh, one final thing.  Kurt wanted to let Gabe know that his hand is okay, just in case you were wondering :)


jon d said...

Not to be TOO creepy, but a google picture of your vintage game consoles stacked up in a cabinet reminded me of my cabinet stack and linked me to this blog. Kurt, I read the you recently quit your job at Bethesda.. any experience by chance scripting in Unreal UDK? I work on the simulation team for a gov't agency in Virginia, and we really need a Unreal developer (coder). If you are interested (or know someone else who would be) just leave a comment below this and I'll post the gamasutra advertisement for the position to you.

jon d said...

here's the link, if interested.

Misty said...

Liz your back yard looks like fun! Good luck with all the athletic stuff y'all have going on!

And I kinda like Creepy Jon here. :)

PDubulous said...

Thanks Jon! I'll check it out and pass the info to my friends at Bethesda.