Monday, April 30, 2007


Kurt and I do pretty well splitting up the chores that are involved with being a family and keeping a clean house. Kurt takes care of the cooking, cleaning, yardwork, and getting Micaela ready in the mornings and watching her when she gets home. He does most of the work really, but I do the things he either dislikes or forgets- helping Micaela with her homework, remembering to feed the dogs and take the trash out, and I pick up stuff and move it around to make rooms look clean. But there's one chore the we both are HORRIBLE at - laundry. When I was living by myself in Alabama, I got into this bad habit of laying my clean laundry on my bed until I put it away. The only problem was that I only took up half of the king size bed and my clean laundry ended up on the other half for most of the six months that I was there. I thought once Kurt got home, we would get better at it, but no... we wait until we have about 8-10 loads of laundry to do, run the washing machine all day on Saturday and get it all clean, and then we dump it on the bed so that we have to put it away before we go to sleep. That trick didn't work so well. The clean laundry either ends up on the floor or on the guest bed. It takes a visitor to get us to finally put it away. We're pathetic, we know. I'm sure you have some chore that you hate doing too...


DougE said...

Another genetic Erdman trait. I pile clean laundry on the bed as well.

Misty said...

I had to join to comment, so I jumped on the bandwagon and created my own blog. :D

You've always been so neat and tidy. I'm truly astonished by what I see here. *insert sarcasm*