Sunday, February 24, 2008

Baby Stuff

So today I decided that it would be a good day to pull out all the tubs that Kurt's sister had sent down full of baby clothes and supplies (thanks Kristen!) and to sort through them. Micaela had a sleepover on Friday and played all day Saturday, so I didn't feel bad enlisting her help in getting everything oganized. As we were going through the stuff (and there were a lot of really cute, nice clothes), I handed Micaela a cloth with animals on it and said "here, put this with the other blankets" to which she responded, "mom, that's not a blanket, it's a burp cloth". Awesome, my 7-year old knows more about baby supplies than I do. It will be quite a learning curve for me. I'm just hoping Grandma Sharon also taught her how to change diapers :)


Anonymous said...

That's hysterical. I miss you guys!!! Hoping to be able to catch up with you St. Patty's Day weekend if you're around...

Mari said...

new blog. come on. kurt's gone. you must have oodles of time on your hands. or teach micaela to do it.

DougE said...

Yea, have Michaela do it. She's gonna need a place to vent about "Evil Stepmom" who makes her change her little brother's diapers.