Saturday, June 23, 2007


I hate colds. They're worse than the flu. When I'm really sick, I don't complaint too much and just suck it up, but with a cold it's different. I feel fine except that there's all this pressure and mucus coming out of my nose/lungs and it's just ANNOYING, and I'm such a baby about it. I've tried Emergen-C, Zicam, Coldezze, Sudafed, Advil Cold and Sinus, and just regular ibuprofin, but nothing really helps. It sucks. Food just doesn't sound good (something to do with not being able to smell I think), and I love food, another reason why colds suck. And I don't understand how I can go from only breathing out my left nostril to only breathing out my right nostril in a matter of minutes, why can 't I have both?? I've had thing dang cold for 36 hours now, it's time for it to go. Any suggestions for things I haven't tried?


Misty said...

When I'm sick I always drink peppermint or mint tea. I feel for you, colds are awful!

Mari said...

Ice cream.