Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a day

Here's a quick recap on the week so far since I've been a horrible blogger: on Monday I had my first GIS class which took up the whole afternoon. On Tuesday, I took Kurt to the Long Beach airport, came back, picked up Micaela, and then when back to Long Beach for school. So after two days with very little free-time, I was looking forward to not having any classes today and being able to do some fun stuff with my sister and the kids. I should have known things wouldn't go according to plan when I woke up after only 6 hours of sleep (4 less than ideal). The morning was a little crazy with all the kids waking up early and Micaela needing her hair done because it was 'picture day'. Somehow we managed to get out the door in time and after dropping Micaela off at school, Mari and I went for a short walk with a stop by Pines Park to let Caroline run around (she really does run... everywhere). It was nice to be out of the house and Mari got some good pictures and videos. When we got home, I took a shower and the dogs took it upon themselves to go for a walk. It's probably the 6th time they've escaped (I think they're trying to go back to VA and our don't run away training isn't working). The last 5 times they've gotten out, it's been pretty easy to find them. This time, I drove around for about 15 minutes and no one had seen them (very unusual). I got home and checked my voicemail and sure enough someone had found them. The lady lived about 4 houses down from us, so they didn't get far. Unfortunately this lady didn't feel like waiting to see if I would return her call, and took them straight to the pound (where she was a volunteer). The thing that sucks about that is, instead of walking down our street to get them, I had to drive about 5 miles (twice if you count that I had to go home and get their rabies certificates) and then pay over $100 in fees to get them back. It took all morning and by the time it was over I was pretty irritated. And then on the way home from the shelter, they decided to get sick in Kurt's car, which just topped it all off. My 'supposed to be fun' morning was exhausting (okay, I'm done venting now). The afternoon was a little better. I picked up Micaela and ran some errands and when we got back, all three babies were awake, so I suggested that we go to the beach. Isaac stopped by so we invited him to go too. It was crazy with 5 kids and two of us, but we did fine and had fun. We even got to feast our eyes on two old men in speedos (it was gross). We only stayed about 40 minutes, but it was nice. At home I got most of my homework done, but was too tired to finish (but not too tired to blog, hmm) so I'll have to do it tomorrow. Here are some of the pictures from the last week:

Jon's already getting pushed around by girls

Anabelle and I hanging out at the park

At the beach I was supposed to be watching Anabelle, which I did,

I watched her scoot right off the towel

Jon's second time at the beach was a lot like his first... spent sleeping

This was our attempt at getting a picture of all the Erdman grandkids, they're all there!


Misty said...

Sounds like it was a nice, relaxing day. :)

Have you figured out where Spot & Bear are escaping from? Since we don't have a yard the pups will only escape if they learn how to unlock a deadbolt, and Mac's too short and Ayla's too... special.

Love the pictures!

Georgia said...

I believe you're right about bear and spot...they are trying to come back to VA. See, I told you they love us more. Too many Kurt beatings at your house :)

Michelle A'etonu said...

Wow! What a hectic day! And the dog story...oh my god! I would have totally lost it, but you--you handled it all like a champ! Love the pictures of the beach! Don't you just love being close to family again? I'm going to miss it when I'm done with school!

Michelle A'etonu said...

yeah...i'm on orders to report to Riley in January. not too thrilled, but at least i'll still be close to my family (only a 7 hour drive, supposedly). It's funny..all the students here are wondering how I'm cruising through the MBA program. And you'll be just fine, I'm sure--thesis and all! If you're anything like me, you'll only have classes at night for three hours for 4 days a week (Fridays off!)! Enjoy it while you can! love and miss ya!