Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So I haven't blogged in a while because for a while my life was boring (especially after going from having a full house to an empty house). Nothing really exciting was going on. I did the single-mom without a job thing for three weeks and almost went crazy. I don't think I can ever not-work unless I have school or something else to entertain me. I love the kids, but being around the house all day with them (except for short walks with Shellie) them was exhausting. I don't know how you moms do it. But now Kurt is home (yeah!) and school has started (yeah!). I'm excited about my classes this semester, but the workload is going to be a lot more than last semester so I'll have to find some discipline from somewhere. Wish me luck.

Enough about myself, and onto the kids. Well there's not much to say about Micaela except that she's doing awesome. All her school progress reports are outstanding and she seems to like school. Right now math is even her favorite subject (a big change from last year). I'm excited that she's almost to the stage where she likes finishing longer books because there are so many good kids books that I remember. Maybe I'll have to go back and read some with her. On to Jon- today is a historic day. Today I learned that Jon is captivated by Baby Einstein (yeah!). I hadn't put on any baby movies since Mari left because frankly, I watched them more than the kids and was burnt out. But this morning Jon got up earlier than normal and I thought I'd give it a shot. He loves it. This is the first time that he'll sit and watch for more than a few seconds at a time. While I don't want to raise a kid who sits on the couch and watches tv all day, it's nice to have the option, especially so early in the morning. Other developments include learning to pull himself to standing using the furniture (and getting bumps and bruises when it doesn't work) and crawling. Now with the crawling, he was getting up on his hands and knees a lot, mostly to climb over things, but he wasn't actually crawling for me, he preferred the Army low-crawl to get around. But one day I went to the YMCA to work out and took him to their daycare. There's a window from the cardio room upstairs that looks down on the daycare so I got to watch him play which was really cool. You can imagine my surprise when I saw him crawling all over the place down there! I took him home to see if he would do it at home and he did for a little while (Shellie got to witness it), but now he's back to low-crawling. Maybe his big belly is weighing him down? I don't mind the slower crawl for now, it makes him easier to chase after. He loves standing up on the furniture and I'm sure will soon earn the nick-name of Jonny Monkey Chang. Fun times are in my future I'm sure. Okay, he's trying to climb on the fireplace, I should go. Adios.

1 comment:

DougE said...

No 'monkey' in Johnny Chang's nickname, you know that's reserved for Mari's monkeys. Besides, Johnny Chang already has the appropriate suffix to his nickname...

Johnny Chang, Ninja master.