Saturday, February 26, 2011

Kid Pictures

So Jon figured out how to use the digital camera this weekend and he's actually pretty good for a two-year old. He might even be able to give mom some lessons. He even managed to turn the camera around and take the self-portraits below (I took the last picture though). Micaela is missing from these as she as a new BFF and spent the night over at her friend's house.

His poor lips are always chapped no matter what we do (the babysitter tries too).


Dennis said...

Thanks for the photos Jon! Welcome back to blogging Liz, I hope you'll be a regular poster now that you're home. It's great to see you enjoying family life once more.

Michelle A'etonu said...

hey liz! he is actually quite the photographer. i can't believe how big he is already. and he looks so much like you :)

Misty said...

Lizzy-poo! Jon does take some decent shots!