Thursday, December 22, 2011

Another Christmas First

Tonight one of our friends from the neighborhood, also named Liz, invited a bunch of friends to go Christmas Carolling.  I was a little leery at first, as I am pretty sure I'm tone deaf (despite many years of elementary/middle/high school band), but apparently so is everyone else!  We went so that I could say I had gone caroling once in my life, but ended up having a great time.  We were out for about an hour knocking on doors and singing to those brave enough to open them.  Our group had as many or more kids than adults, so it was a little crazy, but everyone had fun.

I don't think the lady is below is as grumpy as she looks, she did clap when we were done...perhaps it's just the natural reaction to our beautiful voices (listen to the movie below).  The little girl was very cute!

We really liked this house, but no one was home, so we told the kids to hurry up and get behind the decoarations so we could take a picture :)

Jon didn't really sing, but he found other things to keep him occupied, like babysitting.

1 comment:

Michelle A'etonu said...

what a fun time Liz! my family carols every year, we got so sick of it. now that we're so far away, i miss it! great pics!