Friday, August 22, 2008

A Different Generation

Tonight Micaela was reading one of her "Magic Tree House" books to me and the characters were in a situation where they were separated with a T-Rex in between them and Micaela says to me, "it's too bad they don't have cell phones, but it doesn't matter because they probably wouldn't have reception anyways." I almost laughed. I've never heard her talk about cell phones and reception before, she must have picked it up from us since we talk a lot about not having any reception in this house. I feel like a pretty technically competant person, but she's going to surpass my technical knowledge before I expect it.

1 comment:

Mari said...

Yes, and only in that generation does an 8 year old not only watch, but also say that a TV show about a pregnant 16 year old is "a really good show."

Lock. Her. Up.