Thursday, August 14, 2008

Moving - Part II

Quick refresher - right before we left for CA, we spent the weekend up in Blue Knob, PA with our friends from T.Estes Acres (aka Williamsburg). Kurt had convinced everyone to come up because that was the weekend of the Hellfire Shootout Golf Tournament (the best tournament EVER according to him). It was a great time, not because of the tournament or location, but I think because of the people on our teams. It was also pretty cool to see an apache land right in front of us.
We got there a little bit early to sign in and get our t-shirts and I did a baby-handoff with Grandma Sharon (thanks!). The tournament itself started well with us getting lost and going the wrong way (way to go Petree) but we managed to get to our hole and the game began. I had no intention of having beer that morning since we had polished off about 5 cases of Yueng-ling over the weekend, but when the beer girls came around at 10am and told us that the beer was free, well, you can't pass up a good deal. It was a fun tournament, we progressively got worse with the more beer we consumed, but we weren't in it for the $ anyways, especially not with Van Deusen on our team :). I think the pictures accurately depict the day:

We started out serious:
And then we drank beer:

I had my own fan section (good thing he doesn't know the difference between a good and bad shot)

We had one final night at Blue Knob where we cooked out and got our revenge on Logan for kicking our butts in poker the night before. I missed a lot of the poker game because after talking to Georgia and my brother, I realized my moving plan sucked and that our plane tickets needed to be changed. I changed our tickets and the dogs tickets for the next day. I'm pretty lucky that Kurt's mom didn't kill me for springing that on her, she was very nice about it. It was a little crazy getting everything ready in such a short time and getting the dogs on the plane was a big pain in the butt. I bought them tickets on United because they had a direct flight to LAX and I was worried about the heat. We found the cargo terminal alright, but it took three tries to find the correct door. It was a bit of a hassle getting the kennels put together and at first they said they said they weren't going to accept our kennels because they didn't have the right type of screws, but then they took pity on me and said that as long as I reinforced the screws with zip-ties, it would be fine. Getting the paperwork filled out took after about an hour and a half, but we managed. Next we went to parking. It must have looked hilarious seeing us all try to get on the tram. We had a stroller, carseat, baby, three carry-ons and three checked bags. We took up all the luggage room on the tram with just us. At the airport someone very nice man took pity on us and brought over a luggage cart and helped us to the ticket counter. From that point on everything went pretty smooth. The baby fussed when we first got on the plane, but by the time we were taxiing he was asleep and didn't wake up until after we landed. I owe the lady next to me who gave me her seat a big hug. It was nice that the baby had his own seat to sleep in. When we got to LAX, my brothers were right there with the big church van helping us with our luggage. They were also great in waiting for the dogs and helping get them to the car despite the fact that they had pooped in their cages, it was gross. It was an exhausting trip, but overall it went pretty well.

The house here is in need of a little TLC, but it's a really cool house and it's going to work really well for us. Our furniture arrived a while ago and Kurt has worked tirelessly getting everything cleaned and in place. I get to take breaks every time the baby needs to be fed or is fussy, but Kurt just keeps going. The weather out here is perfect and the beach looks so nice, I can't wait to go (I think we're going this afternoon). We haven't met anyone out here that is cool (besides family) or has frizzy hair and we miss Williamsburg, but since our friends promised to come visit we'll be alright.

Next blog: pictures and mini-vacation to San Diego


Georgia said...

Weaver's, Petri here....Ok so you moved and there was nice people on the airplane and dog poop and such and I'm glad you guys got there safe and all and blah blah blah but let's get down to brass tax here. I don't think Renaldo will be happy with you smearing his photos all over the world wide interweb (see your comments on T.Estes blog). And who are you to criticize a "cheeky" bearded man in his "dress blues"?

Georgia said...

Hey Weaver's!
Those pictures that you posted are pics that I took. (I want the muscle pics downloaded and sent to me along with the other ones).
Other than that, thanks for the pic of Micaela, I was beginning to think she was in a boarding school somewhere. Nice house, the only thing missing is us.