Saturday, October 18, 2008

I love sleeping

What a great morning. I did have to get up at 6:30am with the baby, but I was back in bed at 8 and I got to sleep in until 9:45 and it felt great! There's nothing like waking up without an alarm clock or without a pressing feeling like I needed to be doing something. Today my plan is to relax and watch college football, maybe do a chore or two around the house, but generally I just want to enjoy today. I'll worry about schoolwork and other stuff tomorrow. Last week sucked school-wise, but it sure does feel great to have my papers and presentations out of the way. I have a fair amount of work to do tomorrow, but it's managable. Next weekend my geography class is going to Bishop, CA to do 'field work'. I think it's funny that this is the second college field trip I've taken back to the eastern sierras (the first was my geology field trip to lovely Trona, CA). I think the only reason we are going there is because the White Mtn Research Facility is basically free and state schools don't have all that much money. I'm not all that excited about going and leaving Jon here, but my mom and my mother-in-law will be here so the kids will be in good hands. Okay, I'm going to get away from the computer now and try to be social - have a good weekend!


Mari said...

I think you have it a little backwards - Sunday is for resting! Google "sabbath."

And where are the cute Jon pics? No blog is complete without them!

Liz and Kurt said...

Yeah, but football screwed that all up. Why rest tomorrow when all there is to watch is NFL?

Mari said...

Good point.

Still need Jon pics.

Misty said...

You're going to Bishop? That's funny!

And I agree with Mari - more Jon pics please!