Thursday, September 6, 2007

Hoodlums and Disasters

Strange title, I know, but I really have two things to blog about. First the hoodlums. On Tuesday, Micaela had school and I had the day off work, so Kurt and I decided to take that opportunity to clean out the garage. We took everything off the shelves and had it all piled up on the floor. It was a mess. I helped Kurt with the mess until around 6 and then went to watch a movie with Micaela. When the movie was over I came downstairs to find that one of the dogs had diarhead all over their cages. I yelled for Kurt to help, but he was gone somewhere. When he got home about 15 minutes later (he was helping a friend buy a nintendo for his boy) he told me that there were two bikes laying in our yard. It was dark out and the kids in our neighborhood don't really leave stuff lying around. Kurt saw 3 teenagers, 2 on bikes and one walking, coming down the street as he left on his errand. He figured that they were stolen bikes and the teens had ditched them when a car drove by. He called the police and they came out and picked up the bikes. A few minutes later I asked where Jason's bike was (he left it at our house after the Chincoteague vacation). Then we realized it was one of the bikes the cops picked up, oops. Why would someone steal a kids bike and leave it at the end of the driveway???? The answer - to steal a better bike. Two bikes actually, two Trek mountain bikes that Kurt and I had just outside our garage. The hoodlum teenagers stole our bikes. Just to add insult to injury, I figured that the theft took place just about the time I was out back cleaning dog poop off the dog's cages. What a great night. The bikes weren't terribly expensive, but I had just started riding mine for exercise with a group at work. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to sleep in now.

Next blog: the disaster.

In keeping with the cleaning mood that we were in (although we never actually finished the garage) Kurt decided that the office and the TV room needed some cleaning as well. With the purchace of one cheap desk for me, he transformed the office and really did a good job making it look nice and organized. After that task was done he headed up to the TV room. We've always needed more seating in there, especially now that college football season has begun. We rearranged the whole room (which included moving a fish tank downstairs, not fun) and now have a good entertainment room. This all sounds great, but what I haven't mentioned is what happened to all the stuff that was cleaned out of those rooms, well here it is, in our entry way and living room:

We are having all the neighbors over tomorrow for a cookout, and tonight I have a statistics midterm so I'll be gone, so I have no idea how we are going to get this mess cleaned up. I guess I'll have to trust that Kurt will do it all tomorrow during the day before he starts cooking. (I have this suspicion though that all this stuff is going to end up in the garage for us to clean up later). Fun times. Here are the pictures of the newly cleaned rooms:

1 comment:

Dennis and Ginny said...

Now you know why I hate cleaning so much

:) Mom