Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Single Mom

If Kurt gets deployed again, I'll kill him. Micaela and I have managed to figure out a workable schedule and we are getting everything done (everything being the essentials) by 8pm so that we can go to bed and get up at 6:30. We are very efficient, but it is not very fun. I just feel pooped at the end of the day after work and then 3 hours of "do your homework, fix this math problem, do that, answering all the "mom..." questions, etc. I feel like a Drill Sergeant / Magic 8 Ball. I can only imagine what it will be like with two. I'm in trouble. I finally understand mom's craving for adult conversation. Thank goodness Mari is pretty good at talking about nothing.... DANG!! I had written a whole bunch more (talking about all the good things too) and then I accidentally erased it and there is no undo button. I give up. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Dennis and Ginny said...

Conversation wise there are times, living with Dad, that it isn't much different than his being deployed.