Sunday, May 4, 2008

As Requested...

I decided to take my camera along this weekend to capture what we do with our free time (since I've been getting complaints). We pretty much alternate weekends with another couple that lives a few houses down hosting dinner and poker. This weekend we did poker on Friday and then another cookout on Saturday to watch the Derby.

Of course Kurt and I had to dress up
Kurt and Mike REALLY enjoying the mint juleps

The hostess and her son Willy-Wang

Kurt also decided to surprise me on Friday by getting the nursery all set up. Before we found out we were having a boy, we had moved Micaela out of the pink room and into the bigger blue room, but it just didn't really work out since we no longer had a guest bed. In one day, he and Micaela switched the rooms back, painted the baby furniture white, got everything setup and even washed all the baby clothes. I was impressed. I had really wanted the room done before he left for annual training, but wasn't up to doing it myself, so I was very happy. Here's pictures of both rooms:

Micaela's new (old) room

The pillows on the floor are for a sleepover, we don't actually make her sleep there

The new nursery / aka Jonathan's Room
Pappy Weaver made this hutch top and changing pad holder just for Jon. We had the dresser, Kurt just painted it white and got new hardware to match everything else.


Mari said...

Is pappy weaver taking orders? I would like one in white also please.

Mari said...

Oh, and Kurt can come paint our dresser too, if he doesn't mind.

DougE said...

Your blogging skills are improving.

Dennis said...

The bedrooms look great! So now your guests will also have a guest in the room. I wonder how Jonathan will like having room-mates? Are you planning to test out the floor mattress idea with Caroline, Annabelle and Micaela?