Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NLT 28 May

We use NLT in the military a lot, meaning no-later-than. When I went to my doctor's appointment today she told me that I could either start having check-ups every few days, or I could get on the schedule for an induction. There's no way I'm waiting any longer than I have to, so I told her to put me on the schedule. If not before (and we're definitely hoping for before), Jon's birthday will be 28 May. It's funny how a few weeks changes things. Two weeks ago I was nervous that no one would be around when I went into labor, but now it seems like I'm going to have lots of help and support. We're excited to have everyone come and visit, I'll definitely appreciate all the help! Since I'm so close, I'm trying to hold out until free-ice cream day. Kurt, on the other hand, wants me to hold out until after Indiana Jones premieres. We'll just have to wait and see.


DougE said...

If you have the Baby during the Indiana Jones Premiere & Don't change at least his middle name to "Indiana" I'm disowning you as my Sister.

Unknown said...

You know, Shellie's brother & wife took Hannah (the oldest of their kids) to her first movie on the way home from the hospital when she was born. . .

ReAnnon said...

I am so glad that you will have so much help and company when Jon makes his entrance in the world. And I am praying that he comes before May 28 for your sake! I was 5 days late and dont know if I could have lasted much longer. Hang in there:)

DougE said...

Forget when the baby's coming, the question on everyone's mind is...

Unknown said...

Why won't she tell us about the ice cream?

DougE said...

Free Ice Cream Day has past. We NEED to know the Flavor Choice!!!!!!

Also, Is Jon "Indiana Jones" Weaver arriving today?