Sunday, August 10, 2008


I wanted to do a blog showing the pictures of our progress, but somewhere along the way I've lost the cord that connects my camera to my computer. It may be a while before I find it, but here are the pictures I was able to get:

Jon looks scared, but he actually loves this bouncer

Mari's girls and Jon getting ready to go on a walk with Dad
(I think Caroline is trying to stick her finger either up his nose or in his eye)

My brother Doug, girlfriend Chris, and Jon in his new monkey outfit they got him

Getting ready to paint the upstairs
Once I find that camera cord I'll put up some better pictures of the house, before and after.


Mari said...

Psst, it's spelled Kris.

And I want to see better pictures.

AND, the expression on Jon's face is EXACTLY the same expression that's on yours in the "i'm pissed that Mari gets to drive Dumbo" picture from Disneyland. Know which one I"m talking about?

Liz and Kurt said...

Do you have that picture?

Georgia said...

I love seeing pictures of the little ones...we miss you still,here in OL'Vigignia..Chang is getting big!! Mari's kids are too!

Georgia said...

California sucks!


Mari said...

I do somewhere. At home. I'll find it.