Saturday, May 12, 2007

Blonde Blog 1

This morning I was telling Kurt a story and he told me that I need to start a blonde blog. I'm not sure exactly if that was a statement, and compliment, or a slight, but here's the story:

I went to bed really late last night, but after I finally got to sleep, I slept pretty well. Except that I was having bad dreams. I was dreaming that people were dying. I woke up and thought to myself that maybe if I rolled over and slept on my other side I would have good dreams... makes sense to me.


Mari said...

I'll have to try this. I was blonde for a few years.

DougE said...

I can see it now, Liz applying her 'blonde logic' to a battlefield situation.

Liz: Those aren't bad guys, they have white hats! Bad guys have black hats!

Bob Erdman said...

So what happens when you sleep on your back?