Saturday, May 19, 2007


Last Friday Kurt left for Alabama for two weeks after a 12 hour notice that he needed to be there. The timing was fine, I had nothing special going on where I couldn't miss work in the mornings and Kurt is between classes. The only problem was that it left me in charge of all the household duties that he normally does. I was good last weekend, despite it being Mother's Day, I spent all day Saturday cleaning while Micaela played outside with some friends. On Mother's Day we went to Virginia Beach and to the aquarium and had dinner out at a restaurant down there. It was nice. Then came the typical week. On Monday I got home and was starving so I ate some cereal and made some Chef Boyardee for Micaela. I got off easy on Tuesday because Micaela went over to the neighbors and they fed her there. Wednesday the house was getting a little messy, but I let it go and made a homemade pizza for us. Thursday I planned on having the leftover pizza. This time the neighbor's girl came over and had it with us and the two girls made the house even messier. Friday I planned on taking Micaela out to eat before we saw Shrek, but the restaurants were packed so we ate at the movies, and guess what she asked for... pizza. So after three dinners of pizza in a row I decided that I was going to cook something for dinner tonight. I've been hungry for Meatloaf, why, I don't know. I don't think I've had it in at least a year or two. So I went online and typed in "easy meatloaf recipies". After looking at a few, I got the idea of what they were supposed to have in them - meat and whatever else you want. I decided to go mostly with Kraft's recipe of ground beef and stuffing. I told Kurt what I was doing and he gave me his recipe and then I called mom to see if I really needed to put it in tinfoil and she gave me some of her recipe. By that time, the meatloaf was already made and I didn't feel like adding anything else. So, here we are, the meatloaf is cooking. I'm almost positive that Micaela won't like it, but like a good mom, I'm going to force her to try it (as long as it's somewhat edible). So, the house is still a disaster and I'm just not motivated to clean, and the yard is turning into a jungle, but at least I'm attempting to cook a dinner that uses more food groups than a cheese pizza. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Mari said...

Oooh! I made a really good meatloaf the other day. You should have called me. Then you could have had a hybrid of Mom's, Kurt's, and mine. Except that probably would be really disgusting seeing how mom's probably called for 4 cloves of garlic, Kurt's most likely had rice, beans, and octupus, and mine had BBQ sauce.