Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Blonde Blog 2

I've reached the end of my dreams. That was a thought I had this morning. I had a dream last night where Kurt and I were stealing stuff from a store. We took the stolen stuff out the back and onto a loading dock. Little did I know that Kurt had called the cops and was planning on turning me in. He helped me get all the stuff on the dock and then he went back inside thinking that the police were going to show up, but they never did because we were on this mountain and there was an accident at the bottom of the mountain that blocked the road. So I got all the stolen stuff and packed it into the car, never knowing about Kurt's plan. I said my farewell to Kurt, because he wasn't coming with me and I drove off. My dream briefly stopped, but I didn't like that ending, so it started again. After I few minutes I drove back to the loading dock and ran up and told Kurt that I didn't want to leave without him (sappy, I know). He was happy that I came back, despite trying to send me to jail earlier. We hugged in that dramatic ending way and then my dream went blank. It had ended. I was still sleeping so I expected a new dream to start or something to keep my mind going, but there was nothing. I had reached the end of my dreams. My brain had just stopped. How does that happen? Strange huh? :)


DougE said...


Pickles, cereal and ice cream don't mix before bed. They give you wacky dreams.



P.S. to Kurt,


Mari said...

yeah, lay off the booze when Kurt's gone. and wait till I look up some dream analyzing stuff...

Misty said...

Umm... wow. You've got some crazy subconscious activity going on there!

PS: Kurt, I second Doug. :)

Bob Erdman said...



We're you drinking when you wrote this?