Saturday, May 19, 2007

Meatloaf Part II

Murphy is one SOB. If I ever get my hands on him, I'm going to kick his butt. The meatloaf was cooking at it really looked and smelled good. So to pass the time, I started to clean up the kitchen. I went to get a garbage bag out of our cleaning cupboard and down falls the floor cleaner/wax. It's it's falling in a way where the bottom of the container is heading toward the counter so it shouldn't spill, but of course the cap is up and the cleaner squirts right into my eye. I was Johnny-on-the-spot getting to the sink to rinse out my eye, but even after rinsing it felt sticky, so I rinsed again and checked to cleaner bottle- WARNING: Eye Irritant. In case of contact with eye, flush immediately and call a doctor. Great. That's what I needed. I sent Micaela and her friend over to her friends house, turned the oven off (poor meatloaf), and headed to the emergency room. As far as emergencies rooms go, this one was nice and I was seen pretty fast. They scanned my eye and it looked fine and then they did a 15 minute flush. It was the strangest thing, they put this thing that looks like a big contact in your eye, but it has a hole in the top that they connect to a water bag and it just floods your eye and spills out onto a towel. It was a strange feeling. Got home, and restarted the oven. Meatloaf turned out a little crispy, dry, something. Edible, but not great (although it looks good, right? haha). So much for my cooking ambition... And I still have a week to go before Kurt gets home. I think I'll go buy some hamburger helpers, those are pretty hard to screw up.


DougE said...

Note to self, purchase this for Liz's birthday...


DougE said...

Don't punish Micaela too much w/ your cooking. There IS a section in the supermarket called "FROZEN FOODS".

What they do is they pre-cook the food on convienent little trays, and all you have to do is reheat it. I know that'll be a stretch for you, but I'm sure you'll get by.

At least that way Micaela won't be subjected to your attempt at Hamburger Helper.

Misty said...

Aww... poor Lizzy-poo.

Hey, in the future, I really like Martha Stewart's recipes. I know, she's a bit controlling (hee hee), but her recipes tend to be pretty simple and have always worked out well for me.

If you see her "Everyday Food" magazine at the check-out in a grocery store pick one up sometime. Its a little TV-guide size publication. You can also check out and search recipes.

Before you know it you'll be cooking 5-star meals!

Liz and Kurt said...

I'm amazed at the response I got when I told everyone I was making meatloaf. It seems I'm the only person who doesn't have a favorite meatloaf. There's Kurt cracker, Mari's BBQ, Mom's cheese, Katherine's oatmeal, Shellie's turkey, Misty's Martha recipe... for all the crap that meatloaf gets for being this random meat dish, it seems everyone likes it. Very strange. I'll have to try them all and then pick my favorite so that I too can join the meatloaf club.

DougE said...

I already have figured out your favorite meatloaf, Liz.

Replace breadcrumbs w/ cereal.

Misty said...


There probably is a recipe with corn flakes in it out there for you Liz!

Liz and Kurt said...

haha... i like it, this is an official notice that my own personal favorite meatloaf is cornflake meatloaf.